The Wee Spout

The Wee Spout, located in Coral Glen, was one of many wells in the town. At the end of the 19th century, a wall around it was built with the inscription "Ye may gang farther and fare waur".
The plentiful water supply was why the early town was established. Up to the mid 20th Century, the wells in Maybole were places to meet and previously to wash and work, a central part of town life. St Helen’s Well, located near Low Milton two and a half miles north of Maybole, was thought to have prevented disease in the town and frail children were brought to be cured. Welltrees Spout and My Lord’s Well or ‘the Pump’ provided a consistent water supply for the town, “springing at times so abundantly that when its waters were brimming over, it sent down the channel (of water) which carried them away”—historical Tales and Legends of Ayrshire, William Robertson (1889). Today there is a tap at the Castle, which is rumoured to still serve and evidence of the water trying to escape from the Wee Spout can be seen in winter when ice gathers along the bushes and trees.